Policy Advocacy

Our mission statement is clear - “We shall promote sound conservation, legislation, and administrative procedures. We shall save and faithfully defend from waste the natural resources of the State of New Hampshire.” In honor of these concepts within our mission, we remain heavily active in the legislative process as it relates to wildlife policy.


The New Hampshire Trappers Association firmly believes that politics should play as minimal a role in the unbiased management of abundant wildlife species as possible. However, as polarization in societal circles continues to mount, it becomes increasingly necessary for the NHTA to weigh in on wildlife management/conservation topics as they’re introduced by lawmakers. The NHTA is the leading voice advocating for trusted wildlife management protocols (which include support for the regulated activities of hunting, trapping, and commercial wildlife control) in New Hampshire’s legislative bodies. We place heavy emphasis on offering technical testimony at public hearings, outreach to specific legislators/lawmakers, maintaining educational materials and resources for said lawmakers, and working with constituents to ensure the integrity of wildlife conservation continues to include wise/ethical use - such as regulated trapping.

In addition to New Hampshire’s legislative circuits, the NHTA also maintains a constant and communicative relationship with our state wildlife agency, the NH Fish & Game Department. This includes offering technical assistance and public testimony to administrative entities within the department, such as state biologists, law enforcement, and the rule making administration (Executive Director, Wildlife Division Chief, and the NHFG Commission).

The NHTA also works closely with other conservation and outdoor sporting entities (both local and national) to ensure advocacy surrounding wildlife policy remains cohesive in the state of New Hampshire.

We will continue to work with officials tasked with maintaining state wildlife rules and laws surrounding the governance of wildlife management/conservation as it pertains to the NHTA mission, and at the request of our membership and constituent base.

Check out our News roll for current legislative initiatives.